New & Upcoming Releases

Adela Has Not Had Supper Yet (Deaf Crocodile BD $24.99) A 1977 Czech comedy (sort of their take on the Pink Panther movies) with Nick Carter facing off against a madman with a carnivorous plant. Directed by Oldřich Lipský, and supposedly very funny.
Galaxy of Terror (Factory 4K UHD $39.98) Another Corman production, this from 1981 and directed by Bruce D. Clark. Edward Albert, Erin Moran, Ray Walston are our stars, so how bad can it be? (Don’t answer that.)
King Lear (Criterion BD $39.95, DVD $29.95) Directed by Jean-Luc Godard, 1987, and not so much an adaptation of King Lear (in fact, not one at all) so much as a movie in which people think about King Lear occasionally. The cast includes Burgess Meredith, Molly Ringwald, Norman Mailer, and Woody Allen (as “Mr. Allen”). No, really, it does.
Oscar Micheaux: The Complete Collection (Kino BD $89.95) The surviving films of the first great Black filmmaker, from Within Our Gates (1920) to The Notorious Elinor Lee (1940).
Play It Again, Sam (Kino BD $29.95) Herbert Ross directs Woody Allen in this very funny film based on Allen’s 1969 Broadway show about a nebbish looking to Bogart for inspiration.
Tom & Jerry: The Complete Cinemascope Cartoon Collection (Warner BD $21.99) No less than 23 classic wide-wide-widescreen T&J cartoons from the 1950s, plus three bonus Cinemascope cartoons, two with Spike & Tyke and one the perennial holiday classic Good Will to Men. Our selection as Official ITB Release of the Month because, well, one always needs to have cartoons with with to augment one's film offerings.
February 11
February 4
Film Noir: The Dark Side of Cinema XXIII (Kino BD $49.95) Offerings in this volume include Rope of Sand (1949) with Burt Lancaster and half the cast of Casablanca (well, the Henreid, Lorre, Rains half, anyway) in a tale of diamond smugglers; Kiss Tomorrow Goodbye (1950) with James Cagney and Barbara Payton; and Never Love a Stranger (1958) sensible advice from John Drew Barrymore and Steve McQueen.
The Marx Brothers Silver Screen Collection Restored Edition (Universal BD $59.98) This may be a re-release of the 10-year-old Blu-ray set (it looks it) except now they’re calling it a “Restored Edition” but I haven’t been able to figure out what that means. If you know, drop me a line. It includes their Paramount pictures (The Cocoanuts, Animal Crackers, Monkey Business, Horse Feathers, Duck Soup) and a small amount of bonuses.
Monster from the Ocean Floor (Film Masters BD $24.95) Very early Roger Corman production, directed by Wyott Ordung. Fairly dull movie (the monster shows up at the 57 min. mark, about 7 minutes before we get “The End” on the screen), and turns out to be, well, what looks like a scrotum on spider legs, with one big glowing eyeball right in the middle of it. Oh, that Roger Corman. That said, any Film Masters release is worth having.
The New Adventures of Tarzan (Film Masters BD $21.99) 1935 twelve-chapter independent serial starring Herman Brix as the Lord of the Apes. Partially filmed in Guatemala and features Tarzan talking normal, like he does in the story books.
Spaghetti Western Classics (Kino 4K UHD $59.95) Well, if you know anything at all about Spaghetti Westerns, you know more than us. We often like the titles though, and this includes Kill Them All and Come Back Alone (1968) and The Hellbenders (1967, not to be confused with Sidehackers), and what we DO know is they probably star a minor American star and a bunch of Italians with Anglicized names.
Twin Peaks: From Z to A (Paramount BD $69.99) RIP David Lynch. Includes all three seasons, the feature film Fire Walk with Me, and – it says here – “over 20 hours of special features.”
February 18
Are You Being Served? (Kino BD $29.95) 1977 theatrical version of a British TV show that I’m quite certain nobody in the Balcony has ever heard of.
Harriet Craig (Indicator UK BD £14.16) Joan Crawford is a not-very-nice woman making Wendell Corey miserable (doesn’t everybody in his movies?) in this 1950 drama directed by Vincent Sherman.
Humanoids from the Deep (Shout! Factory 4K UHD $39.98) Say, what’s with the all the Roger Corman product this month? He didn’t die again, did he? Barbara Peeters directed this pretty good 1980 monster movie starring Doug McClure and Vic Morrow.
Now and Forever (Indicator UK BD £14.16) A big-time swindler tries to reform for the love of his young daughter in this 1934 Henry Hathaway drama, and look at who stars: Gary Cooper, Shirley Temple, and Carole Lombard!
Peter Ibbetson (Indicator BD £14.16) And a year later, Hathaway directed Coop and Ann Harding for this fantasy/drama with young Ida Lupino and by the way, we were kidding about Are You Being Served?
so lay off our "Contact Us" button.
Queen Bee (Indicator UK BD £14.16) Joan Crawford is a not-very-nice woman making Barry Sulllivan miserable and SAY I’m detecting a pattern here. Directed by Ranald MacDougall, who had written Mildred Pierce.
February 25
The Conqueror (Kino BD $29.95) One of the screen’s most notorious turkeys; John Wayne as Genghis Khan tells you all you need to know. Susan Hayward, Agnes Moorehead, William Conrad, and radioactive fallout also star. Dick Powell directed, 1956.
Dinosaur Valley Girls (Visual Vengeance BD $29.99) Donald Glut’s 1996 cult favorite about a movie actor sucked back in time to battle stop-motion dinosaurs and romance naked cave ladies.
The Emperor Jones (Film Masters BD $23.99) 1933 adaptation of Eugene O'Neill's controversial 1920 play, directed by Dudley Murphy, starring the legendary Paul Robeson in the title role.
Performance (Criterion 4K UHD $49.95, BD $39.95) Gangsters hide out at Mick Jagger’s house in this quintessential midnight movie of its day, directed by Donald Cammell and Nicolas Roeg, 1970.
Sirk in Germany 1934-1935 (Eureka! Masters of Cinema £24.99) Well, what have we here!?! Includes Das Mädchen vom Moorhof, Stützen der Gesellschaft, Zwei Windhunde, 3 x Ehe, and Der Eingebildete Kranke. Sounds wunderbar, not sure what to watch schnell.